Health & care
Architectural projectsAlta Aesthetica, Rheinfelden, Switzerland
Situated on the banks of the Rhine, the former Grand Hôtel des Salines shines in new splendour in form of private clinic Alta Aesthetica. After reconstructing and renovating the listed building a premium clinic for esthetic and dental as well as oral and maxillofacial surgery was created.
Architectural projectsREHAB Basel, Centre for spinal cord and brain injuries, Basel, Switzerland
The new building of the REHAB Basel should fulfil the different needs of paraplegic and brain injured patients, without looking or feeling like a hospital.
Architectural projectsThe University Children’s Hospital Basel (UKBB), Basel, Switzerland
The University Children's Hospital Basel (UKBB) is an independent, university-based centre of competence for paediatric and juvenile medicine, as well as for teaching and research.
Architectural projectsOtto-Wagner Hospital, Vienna, Austria
The new foundation of the Otto-Wagner Hospital constitutes a consolidation of five former independent facilities of the Viennese health sector.